GoalCheck.In is great for defining your strategic goals and high level objectives.  These are different from day to day tasks, and there are many task management systems available today.  One of our favorites is Asana, and you can now connect your strategic goals in GoalCheck.In to tactical tasks in Asana, and take advantage of the wide range of task features that Asana has to offer. 

  1. If you don't have an Asana account already, you can setup a free trial here.
  2. From your goal dashboard, click on any of your goals which is in the Launch or Fly stage.  This opens up the goal details pane.
  3. In the info tab, find the Tasks section and click the link to connect Asana.   
  4. You will be prompted to log into Asana.  After successfully logging in, you now have a place to create Asana tasks under each goal.
    Tasks show up in Asana as well as here!


  • Only Goal Owners can create tasks under a goal.  
  • Other members of the Goal Circle can view tasks.
  • Within Asana, tasks are created inside a project called GoalCheck.In. Each goal has a section and tasks linked to the goal are placed within this section. 
  • Updates to the task status, assignment and due date are reflected in GoalCheck.In
  • Asana connections are managed on a per-user level, so each goal owner can connect to Asana with their own credentials.

Disconnecting from Asana

  • A user can disconnect from Asana from the user settings page, available from the user's name at the top right of the dashboard.
  • All tasks are preserved in Asana and are not affected by disconnecting GoalCheck.In
  • Each user may connect / disconnect to Asana individually.