After building a goal and launching it, the clock starts ticking!  Time inevitably rolls on, and both you and your goal circle become immersed in your daily tasks.  CheckIns are a simple and lightweight way for your goal to remain in everyone's sight over time, and to poll the goal circle about progress, blockages, etc. CheckIns can be proactively scheduled or spontaneously launched.  

CheckIns can be addressed to:

  1. The goal owner
  2. Advisors tagged on the goal
  3. Contributors tagged on the goal

CheckIns can be any of the following types:

  1. Yes / No 
  2. Text
  3. Numeric
  4. Multiple Choice

CheckIns also support the following features:

  • Intelligently prompt the owner before firing, allowing the goal owner to schedule it, skip it or snooze the CheckIn for a defined period.
  • Follow up questions asked based on a Yes / No input (when the CheckIn is targeted towards Advisors or Contributors)
  • Automatic timeouts if there is no response within a defined period

CheckIns are also referred to as Questions and may be created from the Check Ins -> Questions menu option.